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Corporate Trainings & Developments

We at Synergy take pride in collaborating with our client organizations to offer one stop solution for all the HR related activities.

Hope you as an esteemed client of ours have also experienced ‘delight’ on availing our services and we wish for the same in the offing also.

The service bands were:

• Skill Initiative Programme for the workmen and operator level whereby they were given detailed inputs on English Communication, Computers and Personal Grooming.

• Skill Schema, a Pre Placement Workshop for the passing out students of a Professional course whereby they get an insight about themselves and can fine tune their capabilities with the expectations of an organization.

• Career Counselling cell, headed by a senior psychologists who conducts the Ability Test, Aptitude Test for thewards of Employees of an Organisation.

• Campus To Work, a cell created to help the organizations in identifying, assessing the ranking status and other feasibility parameters to conduct the Campus Interviews in the Professional & Vocational Institutes so as to get the Right Candidate from the Right Institute to be initiated as Graduate Trainee.

• Spiritual Aspects, activities like yoga, reiki , vipassana  added  in our Training Workshops to improve concentration, decision making skills and ability to multi task. Recent research indicates that companies who offer yoga and wellness programs to their employees reduce their annual  health insurance premiums, and thereby improve their bottom line.

Synergy Team would look forward  to assist your organization in carrying out these tasks within the frame of Costing, Time and Expectations.